Tag Archives: poets

Indra’s Net a Success!

I am hoping that The Weirding Storm, A Dragon Epic, takes off in sales.  It is selling slowly, but Indra’s Net, which Ethel and I both have poems in, is already a huge success.  It is published by Bennison Books, the same publisher that published The Weirding Storm in Great Britain, and currently it is number 1 in sales on amazon.com in the poetry anthology category.  Deborah Bennison is a great editor!  Her book featuring poets from all over the world is obviously a huge success!


Filed under Ethel Mortenson Davis, poems, Poetry, Published Books, Thomas Davis


by Ethel Mortenson Davis

For Li Po

In the spring
I think about
water and flying,
clear water running
over moss-covered stones.

Poets are forever,
banished from
the village,
cut loose
in order
to wander
the desert,
to fly just barely above
the juniper and salt brush.


Filed under Ethel Mortenson Davis, Poetry