Tag Archives: Leo

By Alazanto, our son, Kevin Davis


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Filed under Art, Photography


a photograph by Alazanto, Kevin Davis, our son

What Ethel and I remember the most about Leo is a day at the hospital in Poughkeepsie, New York when Kevin was struggling to even move. The nurses at the hospital moved him downstairs in a wheelchair, and Leo, a cat he’d rescued who had hid in his car’s engine on a cold day, was there. Leo curled up next to Kevin as if he knew how ill his young rescuer was, and Kevin’s whole demeanor lost some of its pallor and, for a brief moment in time, the world seemed brighter than it had just a few moments before.



Filed under Art, Photography


by Alazanto, Kevin Davis

Note: One of the most wonderful things in Kevin’s life was Leo. When he was so sick he could hardly move, Leo was brought to the hospital in Poughkeepsie. Kevin was wheeled to the first floor in a wheel chair. There was no expectation that he would be able to go home again at that point, although that turned out not to be true. The minute he saw Leo Kevin surprised everyone by getting out of the wheelchair and getting on the floor with his cat. Leo crawled up next to him and spent the next hour taking care of the person who had rescued him on a cold day when he was a kitten and taken him into his human life.


Filed under Art, Photography


a photograph by Alazanto, Kevin Davis, our son

Note: Leo was one of the most wonderful parts of Kevin’s life. He rescued Leo as a wild kitten from underneath his car on a cold morning in Poughkeepsie, New York. When Kevin was extremely ill Leo came to the hospital, and even though Kevin could no longer walk, he slipped out of his wheelchair and got on the floor where Leo immediately snuggled up to him. This photo was taken November 4, 2007.


Filed under Art, Photography